ETHIOPIA, THE LAND OF Abyssinians ...
Before delight you with typical Ethiopian recipe, I would dispense some news items about this wonderful country in the heart of ' Africa, which is useful if one day you decide to visit ...
Before delight you with typical Ethiopian recipe, I would dispense some news items about this wonderful country in the heart of ' Africa, which is useful if one day you decide to visit ...
Embassy of Italy in Ethiopia ADDIS ABABA, Italian Villa-Kebèna POB 1105. Tel (002511) 553042, 553044 - fax. 550218 E-mail:
Ethiopia has always attracted tourists and travelers for its rich culture. Here you can dream in the land of the Queen of Sheba and dreaming of the adventurous banks of the Blue Nile
meeting point of the community in Ethiopia, is the market. It is the natural outcome of all crafts, especially ceramics, straw work, leather, and is also the high point of life "outside" of the woman.
remains widespread and the practice of tattooing, imprinted on the gums. Very popular are jewelry, crosses, rings, neck, fingers and ankles. Christians carry a cord around his neck (Matabe) with crosses and amulets to guard against the evil eye.
The traditional costume is the man Sciamma, a white robe, which often overlaps the barnòs. The Abyssinians celebrate with special emphasis on the day of the patron saint, during the feast of St. John, which marks the beginning of the new year, between 8 and 12 of our September. The more solemn celebration of the Coptic Church is the commemoration of the cross Maskal. Songs and dances have great weight in the Abyssinian tradition, often erotic themes. The games are more practiced in Ethiopia: the ganna, a kind of hochey, and Gugsa, tournament or joust on horseback.
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the north of Ethiopia, particularly the northwest, is one of the richest regions of the country, with regard to culture, history, architecture and natural beauty. The ancient city of Gondar is characterized by a wealth of castles and fortresses.
Among the natural beauty, the region stand out del lago Tana e le cime delle montagne Simein, e per finire le sorprendenti cascate del Nilo Blu.
La musica rappresenta una delle maggiori forme espressive artistiche diffuse tra i popoli. Gli strumenti più usati sono i tamburi, di varie misure e fogge, come il Negarit, il Kebero e l'Atamo. Oltre a questi ci sono strumenti musicali originali propri dell'Etiopia come la Kerar: la Lira a sei corde. La Begana, il più diffuso strumento a corda etiopico, che assomiglia alla lira dei greci e dei romani, è ritenuta una replica dell'Arpa biblica di Davide.
Lo strumento più usato rimane comunque il Masenko, la cui sola corda è ricavata dalla criniera di cavallo, ed è l'unico strumento etiopico suonato con un arco.
Comuni between pastoralists wind instruments, such as Washint and Emblita, made from bamboo canes. Another wind instrument is widely used Meleket along nearly a meter similar to a trumpet. The largest among the instruments of the Bamboo is Chechazey, built with bamboo and esophagus of a cow. Are used in religious ceremonies of small bells, and the Tsinatsil Quatchel.
And now, a little 'kitchen ....
Abyssinian in the kitchen there are few dishes; widespread is the consumption of raw meat, which you use to dip in berberè, crushed red pepper. A typical national dish is uot the sauce in the shape of meat sauce, with chunks of chicken and mutton, berberè, uova e ceci, che viene consumato con un pane caratteristico, morbido come una focaccia. Le bevande, fermentate, vengono servite in grandi corni di bufalo, mai completamente vuotati dall'ospite ma lasciati da terminare ai servi. Il piatto nazionale etiopico è la njera, una frittella piatta a base di pasta di pane, sulla quale vengono serviti carne, verdure e legumi.Le salse che accompagnano i piatti sono in generale a base di erbe e spezie tra cui il pepe piccante, che da ai piatti un particolare ed inconfondibile sapore.Nei periodi e nei giorni di digiuno è vietato mangiare carne e prodotti caseari, i digiuni prescritti dalla religione copta sono previsti per quasi metà dell'anno, inoltre il mercoledì e il venerdì sono giorni di astinenza.
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