Direttamente dall’esotica Isola di Zanzibar, solo per voi alcune ricette “top” con le quali stupire amici, amanti e fidanzati..
Tutte contengono spezie, alcune afrodisiache, altre un po’ meno…Ma vi assicuro che saranno piatti apprezzati da tutti e divorati in un sol boccone..
Sono dolcetti squisiti a base di frutti tropicali, quindi vi consiglio di andare nei migliori fruttivendoli della zona…Ne vale davvero la pena..
Banane allo zenzero
Ingredienti per 4 persone
25g di uvetta
4 belle banane non troppo mature
2 pezzetti di radice di zenzero tritata
1 cucchiaio di sciroppo di zenzero
2 tablespoons orange juice 2 tablespoons rum
12 to 15 slices of orange
Preheat oven to 200 ° C for 5 Put the raisins minutes in a cup of boiling water, then drain. Meanwhile, melt the butter. Mettrie bananas in a mold and sprinkle with melted butter, raisins, ginger, orange juice, ginger syrup and rum. Put all in a hot oven and cook for 15 minutes. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream if possible.
NB: some useful information about the properties of GINGER ...
Ginger is the Italian name of Zingiber officinale, perennial herb belonging to the family of Zinziberacee, which looks like a big barrel with horizontal tuberous rhizomes, very aromatic and camphor scent, with hints of lemon and Citronella . The drug is represented by its rhizome and, for its pungent aroma and pleasant taste spicy, is used in cooking as a flavoring and stimulant of digestion, but also in liquor as a corrective and refreshing beverages, and fruit production candy and jams and also in the beer industry, particularly in Anglo-Saxon countries. Ginger is a strong stimulant for the presence of an essential oil of yellow color, produced by special cells in the glandular secretion from the very complex composition, is the most important substance called gingerol, and this just gives the intense flavor to the drug. Ginger has a strong antioxidant activity against grease and other food, thus facilitating conservation. Today, ginger is used in cooking in Europe, in modern recipes suited to our taste, such as cakes, cookies, crackers, flavored teas, but also for spaghetti, just slightly heat a bit ' of extra-virgin olive and pour the grated ginger and one of spicchietto garlic chopped : try it and I am sure that the aroma and special taste of ginger will win you over! In Arabic medicine, it is with recital aphrodisiac peoples of Africa and some believe that eating regularly Ginger taken by mosquito bites. All properties of ginger have been highlighted by studies done both in the laboratory, but also with tests on consenting healthy volunteers, where it was found that subjects which was administered Ginger always reacted better than the control subjects that were administered a placebo. In particular, the protective effect on gastritis and ulcers in the stomach has been shown by numerous studies that have shown anti-inflammatory properties of this plant act relieving the symptoms of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, but can also prevent the formation of ulcers when taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which, as we know, have their own creation as a side effect of ulcers in the digestive system. Its anti-inflammatory activity is also used to prepare eye drops that have a great capacity decongestant, which is useful in many cases of ocular inflammation, such as in the case of allergies, blepharitis, or simply refreshing eye washes and sanitizing.
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