Obento べんとう; 弁当
Particolare stile di cucina in cui le vivande vengono servite in un vassoio detto appunto bento; la parola is usually preceded dall'onorifico used "or" (obento). The origins seem to date back to the Kamakura period. Today's bento cuisine is served in restaurants is normal and local specialists. The obento are also used, in simplified form and enclosed in a box, for trips, picnics, during the traditional hanami, that the visit to the cherry trees in bloom and when traveling in fast long-distance trains (Shinkansen).
What I find in the cupboard of a kitchen of a Japanese restaurant?
wakame seaweed: algae is one of the most nutritious, grows a lot in volume when rehydrated; is also used in macrobiotic cooking.
rice vinegar: it is the only vinegar that is used in Japanese cuisine, mainly in the preparation of sushi rice.
Alga konbu : is used to flavor broth base, can be used multiple times and can be stored in a refrigerator
nori : sold in thin sheets is the most widely used in Japanese cooking, if you want to be green say it is already toasted.
Japanese Mustard: it is rather strong taste of mustard West EAA difference is the color of a more intense yellow.
Wasabi paste : is the root of a plant similar to horseradish, spicy flavor, is sold in powder or paste is pre findamentale prepare and accompany the sushi
sliced \u200b\u200bpink ginger: ginger root, finely sliced \u200b\u200bpickled and preserved, usually served with sushi.
bonito flakes : a family of fish for mackerel, dried and then sliced \u200b\u200bto obtain thin transparent flakes (Katsuo-bushi). It's pretty much what for us is the parmesan cheese.
Ingredients for 8 people:
1 / 2 serving of rice for sushi
1 kg of assorted fish (tonno, salmone, orata, gamberi uova di salmone, piovra)
1 1/2 cucchiaio di wasabi in pasta
1 cucchiaio di aceto di riso
2 fogli di alga nori
scaglie o striscioline di ginger all'aceto
2.5 dl di salsa di soia chiara
Riso per sushi
1 kg di riso bianco a chicchi piccoli
1.1 litri di acqua
1 quadretto di 7.5 cm di alga konbu
1.5 dl di aceto di riso
1 cucchiaio di sake
50 g di zucchero
3 cucchiaini di sale
Tempo occorrente : 1 ora e 30 minuti
Mescolare l'aceto di riso con acqua fredda in una ciotola, con le mani inumidite di acqua acidula, prendere a portion of sushi rice the size of a large walnut, flatten in the palm of your hand and tell her to give her a folded oval.
before adding the filling, it is spread the wasabi on each nigiri sushi. When the rice balls are ready, take a piece of fish or shellfish, spread the wasabi on the underside and place on rice, pressing lightly and always using the fingers of the hand to correct the form: the meatballs should be equal as possible. The filling should protrude slightly from the sides. Arrange the sushi on a plate, accompanied by plenty of ginger vinegar and soy sauce. Dip the meatballs lightly in soy sauce before eating with your fingers.
PS: Players fellowship members of the ladle can tell you that I made sushi for my parents visiting Milan with this recipe. Moreover, the diners were particularly difficult to meet (- Sushi? What is this? A new way to make lasagna? -), But in the end I did a very good figure!
So beware, if the girls say one thing and the spoon because they have proven on their skin!
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