Because there is a bit 'of each of us in GiapponeMania
obviously have to like rice. The most important element of the Japanese table, the small and delicious local rice, is eaten with everything, and always boiled without seasoning.
Rice accompanies the food: it opens and closes the lunches, the food is for many the main or the only one.
meals during the day are three fairly early in the morning, breakfast can be "the Japanese" that is, with rice, fish or "Western" with the classic coffee and bread (or brioche). Breakfast at the "Nippon Way" also belong to our foods that taste may seem strong, especially in the morning, like pickled vegetables in brine, or dried fish.
What is, however, can never fail (how to say it!) Rice, served in a lacquer box with a lid that keeps hot. The rest of the food varies according to season and can range from eggs, fish and vegetables. Sometimes you can make use of small stoves, laid on the table, on which Cook first fruits of the season, like mushrooms or whatever.
lunch when you are at work or otherwise away from home, is packed. In these cases we use the bento, a kind of lunch bag, a box of wood (or plastic) clearly contains more rice, fish or meat and vegetables into small pieces. Is naturally with chopsticks (hashi or bash) that despite the Westernization marked are preferred to the fork and knife. Dinner is usually eaten at home.
Japanese cooking is very simple, without spices, frugal, ma non priva di fantasia e raffinatezza. Infatti i piatti sono presentati curando in modo incredibile la forma, un cibo prima di essere mangiato deve essere prima di tutto bello da vedere.
I piatti tipici della cucina giapponese sono: il Sukiyaki sottili lamelle di porri con diverse verdure tagliate a fettine e Tofu un formaggio fatto a base di soja cotti con un saporito miscuglio di sake, disalsa di soja e di zucchero; il Tempura, scampi, pesci e verdure passati in un finissimo impasto per bignè e poi immersi nella frittura; il Sushi, riso con aceto sormontato da pesce crudo, aragostine bollite, frittata dolce e altro; lo Yakitori, pezzettini di carne e di fegato di pollo e verdure passati alla griglia, conditi con salsa di soja leggermente dolce e sale; the tonkatsu, breaded pork cutlets and fried, served with thinly sliced \u200b\u200braw cabbage, sashimi, slices of fresh raw fish (tuna, sea bream, sole and others) with soy sauce. The
Sake, Japanese rice wine that accompanies these dishes nicely.
Pinch of 日本 / 日本国 on our plates
prepare with the Tempura?
Amiche not worry! The girls of the ladle were immersed in Japanese cooking and tell you just that: it's not all fried foods! The secret and craftsmanship in making these delicious dishes lies in making them as light as possible!
Ma veniamo a noi: questa famosissima frittura mista di pesce e verdura deve la sua fama all'abilità dei cuochi nipponici nel renderla leggerissima. Ma è soprattutto un rito conviviale che - se preparata in casa - necessita di qualche trucco.
14 gamberoni, 14 punte di asparagi, 14 cipolline novelle, 2 melanzane , 7 patate novelle piccole.
Per la pastella: 1 rosso di uova, una tazza di farina passata al setaccio, acqua e sale.
Per la salsa base: 10 cucchiai di soia, 3 bicchierini di sakè, un cucchiaio di zucchero, un cucchiaio di glutammato monosodico.
Prima di tutto ecco alcuni consigli :
1) Per not to commute with the kitchen and make dinner more fun brought to the table you need to fry pan by using a "fondue bourguignon (with alcohol stove) or electric fryer.
2) Bring to the table also kept the batter in the refrigerator until the last minute. 3) Next to each diner, prepare a bowl for sauces.
You should know that much of the success lies in tempura batter.
But do not bother: it is very simple.
Beat the egg yolks in a bowl and add the water to be cold, then add the flour, stirring slowly.
Store in refrigerator for one hour. The oil, however, must be very hot (160 degrees about), but not hot. Now
prepared ingredients: asparagus clean, cut eggplant into slices an inch thick and then with diamond pattern, cut in half the onions, the peeled baby potatoes, peeled prawns (with tails, please!).
Wielding bamboo skewers, each diner will take some time, the icy dip in the batter, then immerse in hot oil making it sizzle and brown.
Once extracted, it will pass quickly in the sauce placed close to the plate and then eat it. The sauce can be enriched according to the taste of the diner with sauces or spicy sweet and sour that you can find ready-made.
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