Pate beans with almonds and ricotta
Questa ricetta per me ha un legame affettivo, My daughter sent me a few years ago from Tokyo. To his Japanese friends liked both the Italian ingredients, so one night he prepared for them this pate, seem to like it so much that they wanted the recipe. So my daughter advised me to try it.
You should know that the Japanese eat a lot with the view, the appearance of the dish is essential, their exclamations at the table when a food is to their liking are very clear: start with "Oishii know" (sounds good), after tasted continue with "Oishiiiiiiiiii ..." (good) and at the end of the meal "IPPA desu ne" which means they are satisfied that good meal! I do not wish you "Shkuyoku" (Bon Appetit)!
With this recipe I participate in the competition "give me the recipe?"
I think many people have the recipe written in a notebook or on a piece of paper ripped from somewhere ... maybe greasy, stained with ink smearing ...
Go visit his blog to read the contest rules ... participation of so many is a nice collection!
400 g di fagioli borlotti lessati
1 Spicchio di aglio
175 g di ricotta
50 g di burro
1/2 limone spremuto
sale e pepe
30 g di prezzemolo
15 g di timo (solo se รจ fresco)
Mettere tutti gli ingredienti nel bicchiere del frullatore ad immersione, frullare fino ad ottenere una crema omogenea. Ungere delle formine e riempire con il composto (io ho usato un coppapasta), lasciare riposare per almeno un’ora in frigorifero. Servire con crostini di pane e insalata mista.
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