September 26 has made the confirmation My son Alberto.
Here he is with his aunt, who acts as his godmother.

It 's time of greetings from me and my husband and the opportunity to revive the history of the pencil of our friends have already used for confirmation of his son and because we loved it we used it , also because not Albi la conosceva:
Il bambino guardava la nonna scrivere una lettera.
Ad un certo punto, chiese: "Stai scrivendo una storia su di noi? E' per caso una storia su di me?".
La nonna smise di scrivere, sorrise e disse al nipote: "In effetti, sto scrivendo su di te. Tuttavia, più importante delle parole, è la matita che sto usando. Mi piacerebbe che tu fossi come lei, quando sarai grande."
Il bimbo osservò la matita, incuriosito e non vide niente di speciale.
"Ma è identica a tutte le matite che ho visto in vita mia!".
"Tutto dipende dal modo in cui guardi le cose. Ci sono 5 qualità in essa che, se tu riuscirai a mantenere, faranno sempre di te un man at peace with the world.
First quality: you can do great things, but you must never forget that there is a hand guiding your steps: we call that hand God and He will always direct you to His will.
Second quality: now and then I have to stop what I'm writing and use the knife. This makes the pencil suffer a little, but eventually it will be sharper. Therefore, endure a bit 'of pain, because that will make you a better person.
Third quality: the pencil always allows us to use an eraser for mistakes. You understand that correcting something we did not necessarily bad, but something fundamental to keep us on track.
Fourth quality: what is really important in pencil is not the wood or the outward form, but which is within the graphite. So you always pay attention to what happens inside of you.
Finally, the fifth quality of the pencil always leaves a mark. Likewise, know that everything you do in life will leave traces and try to be conscious of each action.

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