Sénégal: Dakar - 30/07/2010 - Di vendita compulsiva e di salvataggi di fine mese
Quando vendo perdo il controllo. Non sono mai stata una venditrice prima d’arrivare in Senegal. Fino a oggi ho sempre sentito parlare di malattia da Shopping compulsivo. Ecco, io ho la malattia da vendita compulsiva.
Da quando vivo in Senegal, vendo tutto. Venderei qualsiasi cosa per la quale mi si mostra un certo interesse.
Che belle scarpe. Sai, io le vendo.
Che buon profumo. Sai, io li vendo.
Che bella collana. A casa ne ho una scatola piena da vendere.
Hai anche creme per il corpo? Certo. Anche creme dopo barba per uomo. Ah, ho anche profumi da uomo. Devo verificare quanti me ne sono rimasti.
Che bei capelli. Beh no, quelli non li vendo, ma c’è gente che lo fa. Mi farebbe un po’ schifo toccare e vendere capelli che un tempo sono stati sulla testa di qualcuno... brrr!
Alphonse un giorno to generate more loathing in me told me that here are selling the hair of women Toubab death. I already imagine the cemetery at night to do the scalp to the deceased.
Anyway, I entered the psychology of the seller and I have revised my way. Selling
in Dakar does not mean putting a price tag with the goods. No, absolutely not. It means first choose the type of merchandise to sell. Assume, therefore, the type of merchandise that appeals to everyone. And this is really easy, because there are conditions.
The first is that anything sold by a Toubab, has in the eyes of buyers, value and beauty than anything sold by a Senegalese. So the risk di non riuscita, è veramente basso.
Detto questo, io scelgo oggettivamente sempre cose molto belle. A parte quando a volte vendo cose non scelte da me ma che qualcuno vuole che io venda.
Scelta la merce, devi scegliere il prezzo da cui partire per avventurarti nella vendita. E io, come tutti quelli che vendono a Dakar, scelgo il prezzo in base all’acquirente che ho di fronte.
Una camicia da uomo, posso venderla dai 1000 ai 10000 CFA, a seconda di chi mi capita sotto mano.
Se mi stai simpatico, o rientri nel giro di amici di cui conosco la situazione economica, allora parto da 2000 cfa per scendere massimo a 1000 cfa (1,5 euro circa). E di solito tu compri.
Se non ti conosco, se sembri uno che può pagare, se dai l’impressione di essere un po’ tirchio, parto da 12000 e mi fermo massimo a 5000. E di solito tu compri, sempre per il presupposto citato prima e a volte non tratti neanche troppo, perché 10000 cfa per una camicia da uomo venduta da me al prezzo iniziale di 12000 cfa, ti sembrano un buon affare.
Non vendo tutti i giorni. Vendo quando capita. A volte uno bussa alla mia porta per chiedermi lo zucchero, e da cosa nasce cosa. Si trova incastrato in un acquisto. “Mi è spiaciuto non vederti prima che partissi per l’Italia, ti avrei chiesto di comprarmi qualche camicia, chessò, un profumo, delle scarpe da uomo”.
“Ma io vendo tutto questo qui a Dakar”.
“Ah bon? "
began pulling out my stuff. And the show begins.
is that the customer begins to rummage in turn to choose. Here he shows himself interested in something which I think is not really the best, when its goal is something else, so I will make him a price on a certain kind of ugly thing, and then dive on what we want to hope So in the same listing.
But my dear, I'll do the ugly shirt to 10000 why I decided to sell things a bit 'decent minimum 7000. It so happens that I sometimes buy the ugly thing and the decent to 8000 to 7500 cfa. In others sell the same shirt in 1500. Depends on who you are. Like other
day, Babu, my neighbor rang the doorbell. I open it, and is with his girlfriend. I tell myself that she wanted to accompany him because he wondered what the hell to do Babu was at my house alone. So, still represents the "danger Toubab. We do accommodate
Babu and I immediately asked the shoes. I had already given them all. I had already decided the prices before they arrived. But he surprises me and seems interested in a model that initially wanted to sell 35,000. Or rather, for which I wished to start from 35,000 cfa.
And so the head distorts prices and that is when I make the list, I tell him that what he was looking to sell the 35,000 and those for which I am sure will do his choice, to 42,000.
began negotiations. He asks me to reduce the price of 35,000 I say that I have given the ultimate price that usually do to others, but for him I can get to 34,000 or more. Here
that looks from the other 42,000. He says that they are just beautiful, and his girlfriend confirmed. "Yes, those are beautiful, you can carry with jeans, with everything, and then the color you like." Here I have a co-selling fantastic. He said, "yes, but they are expensive." A classic. Nothing can get the right price. So here I tell him: "For you I can do 40,000 but not less." Scene from
moved, in which he begs me to come down to 35,000. I tell him to 35,000 I can not. "I can not sell these at the same price I'm selling the others." We try again and finally I told him: "Just because you are, we do 38,000." He says it's expensive, but eventually agrees.
And both seem happy. "You also have some piece of clothing?".
I did not expect. I was not prepared. But I say that because something has already got to 38,000 I will not be too severe. Falls within the circle of those to whom I sell T-shirts and shirts from 1000 to 2000 cfa. Choose two shirts and two T-shirts by spending a total of 5,500 cfa. I can be more than satisfied.
But not all. His girlfriend, taken by a crisis of compulsive shopping and asks, "do not have anything for women?".
"I have baby clothes, perfume, necklaces, body lotions, T-shirts ..." He
Babu forced to buy a body lotion and a shirt. By the end of next month he promised to buy her a bouquet and necklace. Prices were already decided, they agree, then I'll just cash. It 'was amazing to see how any desire to Binette, Babu said it, even with the knowledge of having to do overtime to pay them all that applied. "Buy this and do not argue!" This was the tone of the requests.
Lunedi non avevo neanche 250 franchi in tasca. Martedi qualcuno mi ha guardata da lassù e ha deciso di mandarmi babu e la sua fidanzata a salvarmi. Mi porteranno presto nuovi clienti. Penso che darò loro una commissione del 10% su quel che mi faranno guadagnare. Così potranno acquistare ancora, e ancora. E così via.
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