Senegal: December 2008 - The decision to leave
I walked on tiptoe in a world full of fairies. The more you do, are called Fatou. There are many Senegalese women and girls that I met that bear that name. We have entered on tiptoe, tiptoe in and I came out. The tips of my feet, with all the respect that you know, they tried to take me into a different world, because of customs and traditions completely away from those you meet in Milan. There are customs in Milan?
The Senegalese women are beautiful. They wear clothes elegantissimi e dai colori più vivaci. Non si limitano a indossarli, lo fanno con classe, una classe che non ha eguali nel mondo. Il loro portamento, lo sguardo, il modo di porsi verso gli altri, non posso paragonarlo a nessun´altra donna incontrata nella mia vita.
Questo è uno dei primi ricordi del mio primo viaggio in Senegal. Sono partita il 19 dicembre 2008. Sono partita da sola. Mi sono preparata parecchio per affrontare questo viaggio, ho letto molto, tra libri e forum su internet, ho progettato molto, eppure ogni mio piano è andato a farsi benedire.
E´ questo che succede ogni volta che si decide di intraprendere un viaggio in solitaria. E´ questo che succede se il viaggio in solitaria si decide di farlo in an African country. That 's what happens if the African country is Senegal.
beginning in October 2008. E 'in October, and are completely undecided about whether to redo a ticket to Kenya and finally going to know a new country. West Africa was introduced by my friends was from my Senegalese, Burkinabe, Ivorian, Togolese living in Milan. But not only. The books have done a great job. And so the desire to meet even the West African has made her feel.
The first idea that comes to me is to leave for Burkina Faso. The association was preparing a Watinoma own field work from December 19 onwards. I decided to contact the association and I do send all the information on field work. And 'now virtually decided. Leave for Burkina Faso and arrange with the other volunteers, the festival of New Year's "The Moon of the Sahel to Koubri.
I continue to learn more about Senegal, Dakar on, what I give away a trip to Senegal. And I start to talk about it with some enthusiasm by the friends of the park, Senegalese living here in Milan. Some take it for granted that my choice has already been done and begin to give me the mobile numbers of their relatives, asking a favor and go visit their families once their land. Some never see their families for years. Years in which they are not able to return home for several reasons.
Come poter dire loro "non parto, vado in Burkina a organizzare un festival?"
Ci penso attentamente e mi dico che dato che parto da sola, e ho già più contatti di chi di solito parte con un viaggio organizzato, non sarebbe male questo primo incontro con il Senegal. Sarebbe un viaggio tra le famiglie. Un viaggio tra la gente. Un viaggio come piace a me.
Quando io viaggio, non ho mai in mente di seguire un itinerario ben preciso. Nella fase di programmazione, cerco di capire quali sono le città o i luoghi per i quali vale la pena fare un pezzo di strada in più, e li metto in lista.
Ma non è obbligatorio rispettare la lista. Ad ogni modo, abbandono La Luna del Sahel e mi dedico a un sogno chiamato Senegal. Preparo la mia lista. I giorni saranno 22 circa. In quattro e quattr´otto ho già dato un nome di un luogo a 12 delle mie giornate. Questo significa che con una media di un giorno si e un giorno no, potrei far saltare i miei piani, riuscendo comunque a vedere tutto, e incontrare tutti quelli che devo incontrare. Ne parlo con un amico e gli dico che la decisione è presa, che ho trovato i voli e che sono pronta a buttarmi nella mischia. Si, la chiamo mischia fin dall´inizio, non sapendo che fosse il nome più azzeccato per definire quel che poi incontrerò nella capitale Senegalese.
L´amico decide di regalarmi i voli per il mio compleanno. Si, non è una bugia. E´ tutto vero. Il mio compleanno sarebbe stato il 3 novembre, io ho il mio regalo già a fine ottobre. E che regalo. Credo che gli amici che aiutano a realizzare i sogni siano veramente pochi. E soprattutto gli amici che ti regalano sogni senza chiedere nulla in cambio sono rari se non unici. Si accettano regali del genere? Certo che si.
Da tempo ero in contatto su Facebook con dei ragazzi di Dakar che gentilmente si erano offerti di ospitarmi nelle loro case dietro giusto compenso. Mi ritrovo dunque a fine ottobre con un biglietto andata/ritorno, e un´ampia scelta di case in cui andare.
Nei miei peregrinaggi digitali, mi ritrovo sul sito Dakar ça bouge. E mi innamoro immediatamente della casa di Marie Mbaye, una donna francese che secondo la descrizione, si è trasferita in Senegal decades ago to follow his heart and his passion for Africa. So I choose to book a room in his mansion and after a series of emails we get in confidence, I send a deposit of 100 € and not think about it anymore.
I have a ticket, the list and a home. The Villa Marie is located in a suburb of Dakar called Guediawaye. When I tell all my friends with my choice reactions are different. Some people criticized me for not having chosen to go and stay with his family, some people criticized me because the neighborhood is one of the most infamous and take risks especially whirl alone, there are those who I complains because "in the suburbs you take the disease, "is that I criticized because" traveling alone and you go well in the suburbs, some people criticized me and nothing else. But there are those who ask me what I'm going to do.
Yeah, what I'm going to do? ideas in my head are always quite clear. What I'm going to do in a city that does not know, I do not know if I will host, who I know only a few addresses and a few photographs, of which I know some inhabitant who left to come to Europe to chase the dream? Already the Italian dream ... I want to speak now of the Italian dream?
(to be continued ...)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Cream Of Tartar And Orange Juice Cleanse
Senegal: December 20, 2008 - Dakar, A Toubab invisible and Patte d'Oie Taliban
are invisible. In Dakar I there is or non ci sia, non ha importanza per nessuno. E’ la mia prima sensazione in questa città. Mi fa male. Non riesco a comprendere come mai qui nessuno si accorga di me.
Prendo il mio primo car rapide da Guediawaye il mio secondo giorno. Destinazione Patte d’Oie. I car rapide in Senegal sono quello che i matatu sono in Kenya. O per lo meno svolgono la stessa funzione perché come struttura sono un po’ differenti. Mentre i matatu all’interno hanno sedili disposti uno dietro l’altro, sui car rapide i sedili sono composti di due file, una di fronte all’altra, ai lati del veicolo, più due file di sedili disposti uno dietro l’altro. E non si entra da uno portellone laterale, bensì da dietro. Si, sul car rapide gli sportelli sono dietro, e anche l’omino addetto al ritiro dei soldi dei biglietti, sta dietro.
Mi rendo conto che inizio fin dal primo giorno il gioco delle differenze con il mio Kenya. E’ necessario per me fare il paragone, quasi a voler trovare obbligatoriamente dei lati più positivi in Senegal, per poter giustificare il fatto che quest’anno non sono stata in Kenya.
E così salgo sul car rapide dove mi viene immediatamente offerto un posto a sedere. E penso che questo i senegalesi lo fanno sempre anche in Italia. Quando li trovi sul tram, in metropolitana, vedi sempre un senegalese che offre un posto a sedere a una persona anziana. Certo, io non sono una persona anziana, ma fatto sta che a Dakar I have given a place to sit.
known immediately something special in all of the travelers car fast. They are all composed, very polite. Every time someone goes up on the car, greets everyone with a "Salam Mailaikum" very discreet which is told almost in unison "Mailaikum Salam."
I learn quickly and begin to answer this myself. I get in exchange for smiles and knowing looks.
But despite this early start, I still feel invisible.
Mzungu In Kenya, those who are called in Senegal Toubab (white), never goes unnoticed. That will see a Mzungu in Kenya is to see a nice nest egg of € walking, which will be in Kenya and specifically in Diani many people know it is impossible to get on a matatu and not be recognized and greeted by someone, I will be the terror of realizing that he made the wrong choice, I begin to feel an uneasiness that I have a long life. I still do not know if I Dakar accept or reject me.
I can not tell if I have to put resistance, or both if we do not like very much. The fact is that I realize that from day one, wherever I am, if I'm sitting, the feet remain on the tips. I realize that I will not break any balance, so perfect in this world, which seems to work well without me, in this world of beautiful women who wear colorful clothes and give off the scent of incense in the world of children polite and friendly, in this world where nobody seems to see me. Patte d'Oie
George told me to get off at the Shell station. The car quickly speak with a gentleman who has a child in her arms full of colors and braids. It is called Fatou. I'm drooling arm since I left Guediawaye. I left to do because it is the only one that I was not ignored. I say to this man if he can show the exact location where I have to choose. He immediately offers to wait with me the arrival of George, because he does not want to lose me or disturb me that someone on the street. The reassure and thank him, I'm not afraid of the road. I can not wait for someone known to me, as I've noticed that you and your baby. So I think when I greet him.
At each stop the car fast always known that children face from the rear door and say the words that do not even seem Wolof. They hand in a red tin can and empty. Probably once contained the peeled tomato. Now if you are lucky, they contain some coin.
I understand they're asking for alms. And I think in the beginning: "Behold, the phenomenon Toubab begins." But were not there for me. Ask not only for me. We ask all those who were with me on the car fast. It also often known by anyone them something. I do not understand. Who are those kids? And why are there so many? I think of street children in Nairobi, I think of street children in Marrakesh, I think I read that I met in Dakar Talib.
And here they are. I think they own them Talib.
Talib means "student who studies the Qur'an" in West African Islamic societies, parents generally consider the religious education of children is a fundamental duty and common practice in rural areas to put their children in the service of teachers of the Koran - marabout in Senegal - which takes you to load and secure their religious upbringing. In this view traditional pedagogical value takes into homelessness, because it symbolizes the humility: the talib goes from house to house, an hour a day, and recites verses from the Koran, receiving in exchange a small gift as a contribution to the Koranic school. The parents hope that their children acquire self discipline and training and receive the Koran as the best means of social ascension. Finally, in a context of extremely high population growth, families "solve" the problem of too many mouths to feed and provide a kind of education that is not provided by the school nor the French nor Arabic. Even
Daara, ie the place where young people gather to learn the Koran and Islamic values, survival is difficult: the marabout receives youth in foster care, but families can not contribute to the costs. The consequence is that this small community is forced to move to the city in search of livelihood and income.
talib I live so far away from their families and spend a large part of the day to beg to survive and to pay the teacher a daily figure and avoid the violence that often inflicts marabout handed over if the amount is not enough. The study time is limited. This category is the most numerous: they are 89 percent of all children beggars.
As I reflect on the receiving punch in the stomach at the sight of barefoot children in Dakar, Fatou's dad tells me that we must come down. I tell him that if it is not her stop, do not worry, I'll get away with it alone and thank him for taking care of me in that my second day on tiptoe. Patte d'Oie
is full of life. Car rushing rapids and play on every corner, people crossing the street and block traffic, though they may block further items in the market, children chase each other and here they are, those who will become my talib for about 5 days.
I go to the Shell station and sit on a step, I would call steps, because rather high. Like bees drawn to honey, here are the tin cans red materialize before my eyes. The children pray for me and I say something in the Koran do not understand.
One of them seems particularly intrigued by this Toubab that sits on a step in Patte d'Oie. He sits next to me and asks me what I do.
I tell him that a friend and look that you may prefer to wait with me. He says, "Really?"
Really. As if no one had ever invited to sit beside him to wait. As if her life was made up of races and little time to wait, as if he had not expected ever been granted, as if he had received little kindness.
My name is Omar. He tells me that his family lives in Guediawaye and remains truly amazed that I come from Guediawaye. He asks me if I'm kidding. No, Omar, I'm not kidding, why should I? I ask him how come they are begging on the street. I want to know everything about him and understand why is Patte d'Oie at 10:00 am on December 20, 2008, instead of being at school. She explains that her family has set up a Marabout for some time, that two years ago he went to school and he liked it too much, but since he started his life in Daara, can no longer go to school.
What will give? I I ask. At this moment I only know that will give in Wolof means "nothing." Omar lives in a place called nothing, nothing. This I tell myself. And close to the stomach is felt stronger and stronger.
I do not know what lies behind the stories of Talib, the fact is that I already crying. Not only are they invisible in this city, but what is visible to my eyes massacres. Without knowing the reasons why so many Muslim families to send their children to the marabout, not knowing that there are marabout considered of great spiritual leaders, not knowing that other marabout take advantage of their role in order to make money off the backs of small talib naively begin to tell Omar dovrebbe provare a tornare a casa sua, perché la sua mamma potrebbe avere nostalgia di lui.
Mi racconta di un tempo in famiglia in cui il nuovo compagno della sua mamma lo massacrava di botte e che lui si sente fortunato a essere scampato al suo passato, che pensa alla sua sorellina e alla sua mamma e si chiede se stanno bene. Mi dice che ha paura di tornare a casa perché potrebbe essere picchiato ancora. Gli dico che se vuole l’accompagno io a casa sua.
Lui mi dice che se proprio voglio accompagnarlo da qualche parte, potrei accompagnarlo un giorno in fiera, dove avrebbe l’opportunità di vedere tanti libri. A lui i libri piacciono, mi spiega. Nella mia totale ignoranza, continuo a cercare di “rieducare” this little angel telling him that it is not good to beg on the street, which should return to school and study until one day his studies allow us to find a job, and then he will have his money.
the light of what I then learned later, I realize that I knew very little about the structure of the Senegalese society and its culture. I arrived in Dakar completely ignorant. I was not invisible. I was not Toubab. I was ignorant. And maybe the ignorant in Dakar are invisible to the eyes.
Omar and other smaller Patte d'Oie become my appointment for 5 mornings below. Soon the others broke up and indulge in some confidence, some some embrace and kiss, with this Toubab that continues to ask questions, as if the world which is to be different.
I always read in their faces extreme astonishment at my every question. What, you do not know that it is important to help others? This is one of their questions to my observation that all passers-by leave some coin to these children without shoes, and recommended that all nest egg to divide into equal parts. "Partager", share, share, in Senegal is something that is taught from an early age.
There is no mine and yours, there is ours. There is that if you have a plate of rice I can not eat with you. You naturally to me you offer before I tell you to be hungry. E’ straordinario quello che ho visto. L’educazione e il rispetto verso il prossimo non mancano in nessuno. Dakar è una città educata. Disordinata, rumorosa, inquinata, calda, viva e piena di gente educata, gentile e altruista.
Il mio primo giorno a Patte d’Oie diventa l’inizio di un percorso di apprendimento sulla vita dei talibé e su quella di tutti i lavoratori che si ammassano a una certa ora per prendere i car rapide e correre al lavoro. Correre è una parola che forse non dovrei usare. Nessuno corre. La flemma con cui tutti si muovono è incredibile. Forse per non rompere l’armonia che si crea in tutto quel disordine, forse per non sollevare ulteriore polvere che potrebbe attaccarsi agli abiti, perhaps an innate ability not to be overwhelmed by events and time, perhaps for mere awareness that the haste does not lead anywhere, all continue to smile and say goodbye to endless minutes late for work even though it is more certain.
I always feel a spectator of a world that keeps on going fine without me. But who has made up his mind that we have to go to Africa to take on local life to make it better? Who has given us the right to think that our lifestyle is better?
I want to have their children educated, I think. And education is not only pertains to the parents but also to society. And in Dakar undertake the education of all children. All.
Ogni giorno, i talibé di Patte d’Oie aspettano il mio car rapide come se ormai fosse una certezza che io ogni mattina vada a salutarli. E si prendono una pausa insieme a me. Si siedono, mi raccontano le ultime novità, chi ha dormito per strada quella notte perché non ha fatto in tempo a ritornare nel dara, chi si è svegliato presto per portare un piatto di riso a chi non è tornato al dara quella notte, chi ha iniziato presto il tour tra le famiglie a chiedere un po’ di cibo da portare al dara. Insomma, comincio a capire che ognuno di loro ha un ruolo.
E nessuno fa niente solo per sé stesso. Tutto è fatto per la condivisione nel dara a fine giornata.
Per quanto non sia d’accordo that all these children are begging in the street, I find the extraordinary in what they do and the way some people live. It 's like a mission of a video game. And conquered everything, be it a coin, which is a plate of cheebu dien, that everything is completed one level of the mission.
partager. Yeah, do not you know that it is important to help others? This phrase echoes in my head.
(to be continued ...)
are invisible. In Dakar I there is or non ci sia, non ha importanza per nessuno. E’ la mia prima sensazione in questa città. Mi fa male. Non riesco a comprendere come mai qui nessuno si accorga di me.
Prendo il mio primo car rapide da Guediawaye il mio secondo giorno. Destinazione Patte d’Oie. I car rapide in Senegal sono quello che i matatu sono in Kenya. O per lo meno svolgono la stessa funzione perché come struttura sono un po’ differenti. Mentre i matatu all’interno hanno sedili disposti uno dietro l’altro, sui car rapide i sedili sono composti di due file, una di fronte all’altra, ai lati del veicolo, più due file di sedili disposti uno dietro l’altro. E non si entra da uno portellone laterale, bensì da dietro. Si, sul car rapide gli sportelli sono dietro, e anche l’omino addetto al ritiro dei soldi dei biglietti, sta dietro.
Mi rendo conto che inizio fin dal primo giorno il gioco delle differenze con il mio Kenya. E’ necessario per me fare il paragone, quasi a voler trovare obbligatoriamente dei lati più positivi in Senegal, per poter giustificare il fatto che quest’anno non sono stata in Kenya.
E così salgo sul car rapide dove mi viene immediatamente offerto un posto a sedere. E penso che questo i senegalesi lo fanno sempre anche in Italia. Quando li trovi sul tram, in metropolitana, vedi sempre un senegalese che offre un posto a sedere a una persona anziana. Certo, io non sono una persona anziana, ma fatto sta che a Dakar I have given a place to sit.
known immediately something special in all of the travelers car fast. They are all composed, very polite. Every time someone goes up on the car, greets everyone with a "Salam Mailaikum" very discreet which is told almost in unison "Mailaikum Salam."
I learn quickly and begin to answer this myself. I get in exchange for smiles and knowing looks.
But despite this early start, I still feel invisible.
Mzungu In Kenya, those who are called in Senegal Toubab (white), never goes unnoticed. That will see a Mzungu in Kenya is to see a nice nest egg of € walking, which will be in Kenya and specifically in Diani many people know it is impossible to get on a matatu and not be recognized and greeted by someone, I will be the terror of realizing that he made the wrong choice, I begin to feel an uneasiness that I have a long life. I still do not know if I Dakar accept or reject me.
I can not tell if I have to put resistance, or both if we do not like very much. The fact is that I realize that from day one, wherever I am, if I'm sitting, the feet remain on the tips. I realize that I will not break any balance, so perfect in this world, which seems to work well without me, in this world of beautiful women who wear colorful clothes and give off the scent of incense in the world of children polite and friendly, in this world where nobody seems to see me. Patte d'Oie
George told me to get off at the Shell station. The car quickly speak with a gentleman who has a child in her arms full of colors and braids. It is called Fatou. I'm drooling arm since I left Guediawaye. I left to do because it is the only one that I was not ignored. I say to this man if he can show the exact location where I have to choose. He immediately offers to wait with me the arrival of George, because he does not want to lose me or disturb me that someone on the street. The reassure and thank him, I'm not afraid of the road. I can not wait for someone known to me, as I've noticed that you and your baby. So I think when I greet him.
At each stop the car fast always known that children face from the rear door and say the words that do not even seem Wolof. They hand in a red tin can and empty. Probably once contained the peeled tomato. Now if you are lucky, they contain some coin.
I understand they're asking for alms. And I think in the beginning: "Behold, the phenomenon Toubab begins." But were not there for me. Ask not only for me. We ask all those who were with me on the car fast. It also often known by anyone them something. I do not understand. Who are those kids? And why are there so many? I think of street children in Nairobi, I think of street children in Marrakesh, I think I read that I met in Dakar Talib.
And here they are. I think they own them Talib.
Talib means "student who studies the Qur'an" in West African Islamic societies, parents generally consider the religious education of children is a fundamental duty and common practice in rural areas to put their children in the service of teachers of the Koran - marabout in Senegal - which takes you to load and secure their religious upbringing. In this view traditional pedagogical value takes into homelessness, because it symbolizes the humility: the talib goes from house to house, an hour a day, and recites verses from the Koran, receiving in exchange a small gift as a contribution to the Koranic school. The parents hope that their children acquire self discipline and training and receive the Koran as the best means of social ascension. Finally, in a context of extremely high population growth, families "solve" the problem of too many mouths to feed and provide a kind of education that is not provided by the school nor the French nor Arabic. Even
Daara, ie the place where young people gather to learn the Koran and Islamic values, survival is difficult: the marabout receives youth in foster care, but families can not contribute to the costs. The consequence is that this small community is forced to move to the city in search of livelihood and income.
talib I live so far away from their families and spend a large part of the day to beg to survive and to pay the teacher a daily figure and avoid the violence that often inflicts marabout handed over if the amount is not enough. The study time is limited. This category is the most numerous: they are 89 percent of all children beggars.
As I reflect on the receiving punch in the stomach at the sight of barefoot children in Dakar, Fatou's dad tells me that we must come down. I tell him that if it is not her stop, do not worry, I'll get away with it alone and thank him for taking care of me in that my second day on tiptoe. Patte d'Oie
is full of life. Car rushing rapids and play on every corner, people crossing the street and block traffic, though they may block further items in the market, children chase each other and here they are, those who will become my talib for about 5 days.
I go to the Shell station and sit on a step, I would call steps, because rather high. Like bees drawn to honey, here are the tin cans red materialize before my eyes. The children pray for me and I say something in the Koran do not understand.
One of them seems particularly intrigued by this Toubab that sits on a step in Patte d'Oie. He sits next to me and asks me what I do.
I tell him that a friend and look that you may prefer to wait with me. He says, "Really?"
Really. As if no one had ever invited to sit beside him to wait. As if her life was made up of races and little time to wait, as if he had not expected ever been granted, as if he had received little kindness.
My name is Omar. He tells me that his family lives in Guediawaye and remains truly amazed that I come from Guediawaye. He asks me if I'm kidding. No, Omar, I'm not kidding, why should I? I ask him how come they are begging on the street. I want to know everything about him and understand why is Patte d'Oie at 10:00 am on December 20, 2008, instead of being at school. She explains that her family has set up a Marabout for some time, that two years ago he went to school and he liked it too much, but since he started his life in Daara, can no longer go to school.
What will give? I I ask. At this moment I only know that will give in Wolof means "nothing." Omar lives in a place called nothing, nothing. This I tell myself. And close to the stomach is felt stronger and stronger.
I do not know what lies behind the stories of Talib, the fact is that I already crying. Not only are they invisible in this city, but what is visible to my eyes massacres. Without knowing the reasons why so many Muslim families to send their children to the marabout, not knowing that there are marabout considered of great spiritual leaders, not knowing that other marabout take advantage of their role in order to make money off the backs of small talib naively begin to tell Omar dovrebbe provare a tornare a casa sua, perché la sua mamma potrebbe avere nostalgia di lui.
Mi racconta di un tempo in famiglia in cui il nuovo compagno della sua mamma lo massacrava di botte e che lui si sente fortunato a essere scampato al suo passato, che pensa alla sua sorellina e alla sua mamma e si chiede se stanno bene. Mi dice che ha paura di tornare a casa perché potrebbe essere picchiato ancora. Gli dico che se vuole l’accompagno io a casa sua.
Lui mi dice che se proprio voglio accompagnarlo da qualche parte, potrei accompagnarlo un giorno in fiera, dove avrebbe l’opportunità di vedere tanti libri. A lui i libri piacciono, mi spiega. Nella mia totale ignoranza, continuo a cercare di “rieducare” this little angel telling him that it is not good to beg on the street, which should return to school and study until one day his studies allow us to find a job, and then he will have his money.
the light of what I then learned later, I realize that I knew very little about the structure of the Senegalese society and its culture. I arrived in Dakar completely ignorant. I was not invisible. I was not Toubab. I was ignorant. And maybe the ignorant in Dakar are invisible to the eyes.
Omar and other smaller Patte d'Oie become my appointment for 5 mornings below. Soon the others broke up and indulge in some confidence, some some embrace and kiss, with this Toubab that continues to ask questions, as if the world which is to be different.
I always read in their faces extreme astonishment at my every question. What, you do not know that it is important to help others? This is one of their questions to my observation that all passers-by leave some coin to these children without shoes, and recommended that all nest egg to divide into equal parts. "Partager", share, share, in Senegal is something that is taught from an early age.
There is no mine and yours, there is ours. There is that if you have a plate of rice I can not eat with you. You naturally to me you offer before I tell you to be hungry. E’ straordinario quello che ho visto. L’educazione e il rispetto verso il prossimo non mancano in nessuno. Dakar è una città educata. Disordinata, rumorosa, inquinata, calda, viva e piena di gente educata, gentile e altruista.
Il mio primo giorno a Patte d’Oie diventa l’inizio di un percorso di apprendimento sulla vita dei talibé e su quella di tutti i lavoratori che si ammassano a una certa ora per prendere i car rapide e correre al lavoro. Correre è una parola che forse non dovrei usare. Nessuno corre. La flemma con cui tutti si muovono è incredibile. Forse per non rompere l’armonia che si crea in tutto quel disordine, forse per non sollevare ulteriore polvere che potrebbe attaccarsi agli abiti, perhaps an innate ability not to be overwhelmed by events and time, perhaps for mere awareness that the haste does not lead anywhere, all continue to smile and say goodbye to endless minutes late for work even though it is more certain.
I always feel a spectator of a world that keeps on going fine without me. But who has made up his mind that we have to go to Africa to take on local life to make it better? Who has given us the right to think that our lifestyle is better?
I want to have their children educated, I think. And education is not only pertains to the parents but also to society. And in Dakar undertake the education of all children. All.
Ogni giorno, i talibé di Patte d’Oie aspettano il mio car rapide come se ormai fosse una certezza che io ogni mattina vada a salutarli. E si prendono una pausa insieme a me. Si siedono, mi raccontano le ultime novità, chi ha dormito per strada quella notte perché non ha fatto in tempo a ritornare nel dara, chi si è svegliato presto per portare un piatto di riso a chi non è tornato al dara quella notte, chi ha iniziato presto il tour tra le famiglie a chiedere un po’ di cibo da portare al dara. Insomma, comincio a capire che ognuno di loro ha un ruolo.
E nessuno fa niente solo per sé stesso. Tutto è fatto per la condivisione nel dara a fine giornata.
Per quanto non sia d’accordo that all these children are begging in the street, I find the extraordinary in what they do and the way some people live. It 's like a mission of a video game. And conquered everything, be it a coin, which is a plate of cheebu dien, that everything is completed one level of the mission.
partager. Yeah, do not you know that it is important to help others? This phrase echoes in my head.
(to be continued ...)
Reloj Cartier 20-61323
Senegal: RIP - Resister insist persister - Local Association de Solidarité et Internationale
Titre du projet: Projet de mise en réseau d'écoles au Sénégal associatives
Date de début: 2009 Date de
end: 2013
Area of \u200b\u200bintervention: Banlieue de Dakar, Pikine
Institutional Partners: Region of Dakar, Ile de France ...
Implementing Partner: Team of alternative education. Other partners involved
: Secular Solidarity, Action Aid, Student Development.
National Project Director: Régis Pio, coordinator of the association RIP; ElHadj N'Diaye Representative of the association.
Project Objectives:
• Educate young Ile international solidarity and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
• Contribute to the structuring and development of a network of associations for school children and youth in especially difficult in the suburbs of Dakar.
Project Summary: Based on the proposed opening of 6 resource centers bring together a strong network of fifty schools association, the association wants to rip develop awareness and advocacy on the part Youth francilienne to popularize the millennium development goal specifically No. 2 is to make primary education accessible to all.
thematic areas of the project: Development of non-formal education system in Senegal.
Main outcomes:
1-6 Establish resource centers in the suburbs of Dakar in order to link schools associative network.
2-co-organize work for the rehabilitation of 50 schools on the associative model of the pilot project (school ADE).
3-To develop and sustain income-generating activities with a view to empower non-formal educational structures
4-Assurer la protection et la santé de l’enfant
Enjeux et perspectives du projet :
Avec l’expérience du projet pilote ADE, l’association RIP peut mettre en place sur le même modèle et les même partenariats ce projet dès l’année 2009 et ce jusqu’en 2013. La finalité serait de fédérer un réseau de plus de 100 écoles associatives copiant le modèle ADE.
Titre du projet: Projet de mise en réseau d'écoles au Sénégal associatives
Date de début: 2009 Date de
end: 2013
Area of \u200b\u200bintervention: Banlieue de Dakar, Pikine
Institutional Partners: Region of Dakar, Ile de France ...
Implementing Partner: Team of alternative education. Other partners involved
: Secular Solidarity, Action Aid, Student Development.
National Project Director: Régis Pio, coordinator of the association RIP; ElHadj N'Diaye Representative of the association.
Project Objectives:
• Educate young Ile international solidarity and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
• Contribute to the structuring and development of a network of associations for school children and youth in especially difficult in the suburbs of Dakar.
Project Summary: Based on the proposed opening of 6 resource centers bring together a strong network of fifty schools association, the association wants to rip develop awareness and advocacy on the part Youth francilienne to popularize the millennium development goal specifically No. 2 is to make primary education accessible to all.
thematic areas of the project: Development of non-formal education system in Senegal.
Main outcomes:
1-6 Establish resource centers in the suburbs of Dakar in order to link schools associative network.
2-co-organize work for the rehabilitation of 50 schools on the associative model of the pilot project (school ADE).
3-To develop and sustain income-generating activities with a view to empower non-formal educational structures
4-Assurer la protection et la santé de l’enfant
Enjeux et perspectives du projet :
Avec l’expérience du projet pilote ADE, l’association RIP peut mettre en place sur le même modèle et les même partenariats ce projet dès l’année 2009 et ce jusqu’en 2013. La finalité serait de fédérer un réseau de plus de 100 écoles associatives copiant le modèle ADE.
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